Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Starting Fresh: June 2011

Okay, so I know you all have little faith in me and my commitment to blogging, but I have a feeling, this is the one.  I am craving an outlet to express myself & share my thoughts with others... What better way than with blog about the things I love most?  My family, love itself and photography. I'll get into details about my history later in the blog, for now I want to post a few of my family pictures.
This is my sweet daughter Sophia.  She has such a kind nature about her and yet is one of the most stubborn creatures I have ever met.  She is a sponge of knowledge and amazes me all the time.  She grows into an even more beautiful little person each day.

This is my other daughter Zoe.  She is only 13 months old, yet has made such an impact on our lives.  She is not one to sit back and wait for anything, she attacks life, one scream at a time.  She is our wild child for sure & I wouldn't have it any other way.  She is such a beautiful baby and I love being her Mommy.

This is my Husband & I last weekend.  He is my best friend.  We laugh together about everything and yet he is my favorite shoulder to cry on.  We have only been together for 4 years but so much has happened in that short time.  We have definitely grown closer & have fallen more in love as the years go by.  I am so excited that I get to spend my life with him, raising our daughters together.  He is honestly such an amazing father which makes him all the sexier in my eyes. 

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